Welcome to OrderPaper, Nigeria’s foremost parliamentary monitoring organisation and policy think tank that deploys data and technology to bridge the gap between parliament, policy and people.
This website is our virtual office, where you can learn everything about us—who we are, what we do and have done in the past, and what we plan to do.
Over the years, we have built a reputation in the civic space by creating platforms, programmes, and projects for impactful engagements between parliament and citizens in Nigeria. This includes public awareness and citizen engagement services focusing on the legislature, policy analysis, and legislative accountability. Our annual performance appraisals of the National Assembly of Nigeria have become a signature imprint of our brand, being built on data and having gained unimpeachable integrity. This work, now encapsulated as part of our broader Scorecard Nigeria programme, has established a citizen-driven demand for a more transparent, accountable, inclusive and effective legislative service delivery. We are cascading to the sub-national governments of Nigeria and upscaling to executive service delivery soon. Our civic engagement efforts also span other public service facets, including natural resource governance, climate change and the energy transition, transparency, accountability and good governance reforms, and gender and social inclusion, among others.
Our programmes and projects are anchored on a five-year Strategic Plan (2024 – 2028), which outlines and provides a guide to implementing our short, medium and term goals. This plan builds on our reputation and comparative advantage. It guides our efforts to preserve our pioneering position in Nigeria’s civic space and achieve a leading status in Africa and earn a position of global respect.
With eyes on an unassailable legacy, OrderPaper is driven by the principles of sustainability. This is why we model our operations in part on social entrepreneurship without compromising our legal status as a non-governmental organisation. I assure our stakeholders and the general public that we prioritise legal-regulatory compliance in the discharge of our mandate as a public trust. Besides having a Board, Leadership and Management structure and sound corporate governance systems, including financial, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), procurement, anticorruption and whistleblowing, etc, in place, we regard our human resource as prime and treat our stakeholders and the community with utmost respect.
By visiting this website, we regard you as one of our stakeholders. May I therefore take the liberty to invite you to consider joining us in making impact. Kindly go through our listed programmes and ongoing projects and see where you can readily plug in so we can collectively bridge the gap between parliament, policy and the people. I look forward to personally hearing from you.